Eric Stefanski
Through dominant brushstrokes and whimsical colors
Eric reflects his personal emotional states through words and phrases that invoke strong messages, some that shock the viewer because they are so honest and direct.
Through dominant brushstrokes and whimsical colors, Stefanski expresses his feelings as everyday failures, biting provocations or moments of vulnerability.
The artist lives and works in Chicago and his work is present in several galleries around the world such as NY, Madrid or Tokyo.
He has his first solo exhibition at Harper's Gallery with the name: I ’m a Genius, I ’m a Fraud
Get to know more about him through these 10 quick questions:
Cities where you've lived:
Chicago and Boston
Phone app:
Instagram to follow:
@chinatowntaylor, @robertasmithnyc, @seanland81
Last song played today:
Vacation spot:
New Orleans
Next dream trip:
Italy (planned for next fall)
Favourite restaurant:
Virtue, Chicago
Favourite dessert:
Favourite cocktail:
Old Fashion
How do you see yourself in 10 years?
In my studio making artwork